A first-year Master’s student at the University of Michigan, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. Interested in the field of human-computer interaction, interactive embedded systems, and the general electronics industry and currently working on relevant projects.
The information about my projects on the website is not very up to date. For most recent information, please have a look at the Projects section of my LinkedIn homepage, thank you! You can still learn about my personal characters on this website.
I transferred to University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2019, and before that I studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UM-SJTU Joint Institute cofounded by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and University of Michigan. The Joint Institute’s dual degree program provides me a precious opportunity to study at top research universities in both China and the United States. I got my bachelor’s degree from both UM and SJTU in April 2021 and August 2021 respectively.
Resume (updated in December 2021)
Currently building an ultrasonic microphone array system for privacy-preserving acoustic sensing like accurate sound source localization and classification at ISC Lab led by Prof. Alanson Sample. Another masters student Jiale Zhang works together with me on the project. On an Intel Arria V FPGA, we finished developing and testing a digital signal processing system to convert PDM signals from multiple MEMS microphones to PCM signals in parallel and a subsystem to transmit the PCM signal samples to a computer using UDP packets via Ethernet. Later, we extended and ported the code to an Intel DE-10 board that has an ARM hard core and can run Linux, simplifying software development and network stack management. The system is currently able to process and transmit data from 49 microphones in parallel. The detailed progress of the project can be seen from the blog posts (Updated in December 2020).
In Fall 2020, finished a major design project for EECS 473, an embedded systems course from the University of Michigan. There is an online project showcase for all the projects. I’m in the Door Display group, who developed a low-power door- or wall-mounted wireless information display powered by a solar panel and a battery. We initially aimed to make the display self-sustaining, but it turned out to be a too difficult goal. Nevertheless, we still managed to reach a battery life of more than one month. The details of our project are on the project showcase website.
Besides my academic interest on human-computer interaction and embedded systems, I’m also interested in general electronics such as headphones and cameras. I’m an amateur photographer who like to use cameras to capture beautiful, memorable, or emotional moments. Besides, I have a little experience in graphic design and in particular really appreciate the beauty of typography (the logo below is designed by me in a beginners’ graphic design course!). Some of my photographs and design works are given on the Artistic Works page. In addition, I support the free software movement and try to use proprietary software only when I really need it.